T: 07808222630 naomi@happyhearthq.com

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Your website is your shop front to the world!  Your online brochure and very often the first thing people will ask you (or search in Google) for, if they want to learn more about you and what you do!  It is also a HUGE opportunity for you to attract a new audience to your business and there really are no limits in what you can achieve with your website.

If you are looking to make a difference to your business and want a website that will not only look beautiful but will also help you to drive sales, convert new customers and grow your business, this guide is perfect for you!

Tech moves at such a fast pace so it’s important to keep yourself up to date on requirements and your site updated to ensure it’s the best it can be (and gdpr compliant too).

This checklist covers the 4 main areas of success when working with your website including:

  • Creating great first Impressions
  • Getting more or the ‘right’ visitors to your website
  • Connecting and Engaging with your website visitors
  • Converting your visitors into customers

Enter your details below and download this 6 page guide plus bonus GDPR guide for FREE!

FREE ONLINE EVENT - The Happy Map to Website Success 

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