T: 07808222630 naomi@happyhearthq.com

What is a discovery session?

If you not sure that your website or social media is working for you and your business and feeling a little out of sorts then a discovery session is perfect for you!

During this 90 minute session we will look at the inbound marketing process (to you and I that’s where your customers are? how we find them? and then how we connect with them?) We will look at where you are now and what your objectives are.

A Discovery session is a really flexible session as different customers require different levels of advice.. if we need to do any hands on work ie.  links and plugins etc we can cover these too!  The ultimate goal of this session is for you to have a clear understanding of where you are going ‘online’ with you business and to develop a simple ‘mini strategy’!

Where does a discovery session take place?

If you are local then we can meet up at your home or office or you can come to us. If you prefer we can hold a discovery session over the phone or online!

If you would like to book a discovery session please contact Naomi on 0161 4286075  or email hello@www.happyhearthq.com



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