T: 07808222630 naomi@happyhearthq.com

At first, you might be tempted wade in and broadcast all that’s great about your business, It’s perfectly understandable that many businesses start off in this way, but you’ll have to do more than share what you love about your company if you want to keep people interested in what you have to say and encourage them to engage with your brand in the long term. The most important things to bear in mind are:


It’s not all about YOU!

Be interesting

The only way to get people to have those conversations with you is to offer compelling points of interest; this might be content on your blog or other social outlet, but it won’t be a sales pitch because that would be counter-productive. Learn to strike a balance between talking and listening, and be aware that what people really want is to learn from you and to be heard if they have something to say.


Become an Expert

A good rule of thumb is to talk about your customers and your industry 80% to 90% of the time, and then discuss your own business. Think about developing your brand as an industry expert and thought leader through writing a blog or white papers; create infographics, explore trends and release case studies. Keep it relevant, varied, interesting, useful, entertaining….and keep your followers – and even competitors – coming back for more.



Branch Out

Every social media plan needs to start out the same way, with a clear vision, a commitment to the long haul and a focus on the basics like interaction and content.

Once you’ve established your presence and your users are engaged, you’re free to open things up to experimentation and exploration. As your confidence grows with your knowledge of how social media works, you can try new things and branch out on other sites. And remember, Not every platform will be a fit, so if your business isn’t performing well on one for an extended period of time, don’t be afraid to pull the plug and explore different options.

Social media is a powerful tool for small businesses. You may fear it, but once you get started, you’ll soon wonder what you were afraid of. Who knows, you might even have FUN!




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