T: 07808222630 naomi@happyhearthq.com

Periscope have launched their new live embed feature which means you can now add a Periscope live button onto your website.  You can also use this cool feature to add the button to your Facebook Page too!.. Here’s how!

Step 1

Get your embed code from www.periscope.tv/embed

Enter your Periscope username (you don’t need the @ sign) and copy the code to your clipboard.














Step 2

Open an account with www.wooobox.com  and link with your Facebook Page.

Select Create a new tab – HTML Fangate.









Step 3

Copy the embed code into the text area and save the changes.















Step 4

View the app on your Facebook Page.











If you would like to also include and image or design using your WordPress website or  a cover for your app using www.canva.com –  watch the full ‘how to video’ below:

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