T: 07808222630 naomi@happyhearthq.com

I’ve been using Periscope for quite a while now, and I’m really starting to love it; not only is it a great platform which enables you to attract followers and build an active community super quickly, it’s also fun. I know that, for many small business owners, the idea of live broadcasting sounds like anything BUT fun, and many are hesitant to take the plunge, scared of making mistakes and, quite frankly, petrified of Periscope.

So I’ve put together my top tips to help you face the fear, take the plunge and make it quick, easy and FUN for you to press that broadcast button. So sit back, relax and learn how to cope with the ‘Scope.

Watch and Learn

A great way to build confidence before you dive in is to watch some broadcasts first. This will give you a good idea of what works well, what appeals to you (and what doesn’t), what actually happens during a broadcast, and how it feels from a viewer’s perspective. You’ll also start to build up relationships with other Scopers by engaging with them while you watch. Building up a good understanding of – and feel for – the platform will make you feel more comfortable when you get started.

Get a peachy profile

If you’re using Periscope as a marketing tool for your business, it’s crucial that you get your profile right. The main things to include are:

  • A link back to your website ( this is not a link-heavy platform and the link in your profile is the only link you get to display, so use it!)
  • A tailored bio: Your Twitter bio will automatically transfer into your Persicope bio but you will need to tailor it for Periscope, and edit and update it as you use it more and gain more experience of broadcasting.
  • A description of what you like to broadcast about (or talk about).

Start with what you love

If you’re not sure what to talk about, I’d advise choosing a topic that you love, something you feel confident about, something you are passionate about. This will make it easier for you to get started and keep your momentum, plus your viewers will feel your enthusiasm and knowledge shining through.

Think of terrific titles

Titles are what attract people to watch your live video so make them interesting; take the time to come up with something that will draw people in. Be concise and clear so that viewers know what to expect, whether that’s a does-what-it-says-on-the-tin approach or an enticing promise to share or reveal something new, choose words that will make people want to either tune in now or replay your stream later (up to 24 hours).

Get nifty with notes

Of course Periscope is all about getting personal and showing yourself in a casual, unrehearsed context, NOT reading from a script, but jotting down a few points on a piece of paper beforehand can make you feel better prepared and may come in extremely useful as you multitask your way through delivering your message and interacting with a bunch of people at the same time!

Embrace Experimentation

As a relatively new platform, brands are still discovering and experimenting with how to use Periscope. This presents a unique opportunity for you to experiment with different ways of using it, including working out what type of content your audience likes most and assessing how best you can present yourself and your brand.

Periscope lets you analyze a few key stats, so keep an eye on these while you’re figuring out what works. Once your video ends, you can see how many live viewers you had, how many viewers replayed your video, and how many hearts your video received. Play around, don’t be afraid to change things, tweak things and take a few risks with it.


The sooner you jump in and get going with Periscope, the sooner you’ll build confidence, get comfortable with the platform and start building big audiences. You may feel intimated at first, that’s only natural and normal. But remember, your video will disappear after 24 hours, and you can delete it at any time if you’re not happy with what you’ve done, so don’t be afraid. Just accept that nothing is perfect, especially at first, and viewers may even warm to you more if you come across as a little bit nervous. Just be yourself, keep it real and relax!





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