T: 07808222630 naomi@happyhearthq.com

Next month I’m presenting a workshop at a REALLY exciting event in Dublin: The Social Media Summit, during which speakers from all over the world will deliver workshops on how businesses can use social media to enhance their customers’ experience and develop their brand. It’s set to be a pretty awesome event, packing a wealth of expertise, skills, real-life experience, trade secrets, hands-on advice and ingenious tips into two full days of non-stop social media discussion.

I’m delighted to be contributing this event, and particularly pleased to be delivering a workshop on Visual Marketing and the Power of Pinterest, as this is a topic that genuinely gives me a buzz, and one that I’ve blogged about already a few times.

As consumers become increasingly bombarded with data, marketers have less time to make an impact online and visual marketing holds the key to attracting, engaging with and holding on to our customers.

As information overload continues, any business that wants to stand out and succeed online will come to realise that visual content marketing isn’t just a competitive advantage, it’s a fundamental necessity.

Consider this:

  • You have only 10 seconds to get a user’s attention online
  • Our brains are wired process images MUCH faster than text
  • Combining text with visuals significantly increases understanding
  • Visuals improve engagement on websites by 47%
  • Visual content improves the Retweet rate on Twitter by 35%
  • 87% of posts shared from Facebook are photos

NOW do you see why I’m so excited about visual media marketing, and why I consider Pinterest to be so powerful? Whilst the use of images is highly effective on many social media platforms, Pinterest is a perfect site for visual branding since the main content is pictures (you can, of course, add text as an option).

Quite simply, Pinterest represents a vital role in marketing and has ENORMOUS potential for your business. If you haven’t yet embraced this VIP of visual marketing…then now is the time to get pinning.

During my workshop I’ll be looking at how Pinterest can:

  • Generate sales
  • Strengthen your brand
  • Increase traffic to your website
  • Improve your ratings on Google
  • Widen your exposure

And much, much more!

It’s no secret that utilising social media for your business will give you an advantage in an increasingly competitive and technologically sophisticated market, and The Social Media Summit will show you how to use social media to make sure that YOUR business stays connected to its customers and one step ahead of the competition!

The Social Media Summit will be held on the 1st and 2nd March 2016, at the Aviva Stadium, DUBLIN. You can buy tickets here.

Follow the event on Twitter with the hashtag: #SMSUMMITIRL

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